Jul 29, 2020
In this episode, I discuss a few specific workouts a hiker can use to increase their hiking speed.
Some people are quick hikers. Some people are slower hikers. When it comes down to it, it usually doesn't matter what pace you go. Hiking is for your pleasure. And in all honesty, as long as you are comfortable, having a good time and can safely complete your distances, speed shouldn't be your primary concern.
However, there are a few situations where a hiker might want to increase their hiking speed:
And in any of these situations, increasing the speed which you can hike, can potentially be very important.
Now when it comes to hiking speed, there are two things every single hiker should be doing:
1) Improving their fitness
2) Improving their strength
The reasoning behind this is if you can improve your endurance and strength, allowing you to need less rest while hiking, and allowing you to sustain a higher pace in tough sections, this will dramatically increase your speed.
However, if you are already doing these things, there are a few specific workouts a hiker can follow to help increase their hiking speed.
And in this episode, I tell you exactly what they are.
You will learn: